As a Bible-believing church, we welcome all people to services and events we put on in our community. We believe all people are created by God in His image and should be treated with dignity and respect. All are deserving of love, grace, and compassion. No one should be looked down upon or treated differently, and none should have to live in fear of harm.
As a church, we recognise our responsibily in safeguarding all children, young people and adults at risk, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or ability.
As members of this church we commit ourselves to the nurturing, protection and safekeeping of all associated with the church and will pray for them regularly. In pursuit of this, we commit ourselves to the attched policy and to the development of sound procedures to ensure we implement our policy well.
Our Safeguarding Lead is Elleanor Spence-Cameron.
Our Safeguarding Trustee is Zoë Ruziczka.